A lot of deliberation plus positive inspiration lead me to starting my original blog RISKercize on Monday 11th Feb 2013. I came across Paulo Coelho’s quote 'If it's on your mind it's worth taking the risk' and back then it jumped right out of my 15 inch shiny screen and spoke to me.
I knew there was no better way to kick it off. Fast forward to 2019, so much has changed. Personally and professionally i have enhanced and grown , better than i was yesterday, resilient and striving. Striving to not only understand my self better, but others and the organisations i work for. Adding my bits of legacy as i explore.
That said, it's time to get back to what i love most, so welcome to my 're-vamped' little place in the virtual world.
I first started writing my blog back in 2013. I came back to the UK from a then exciting life in Toronto , Canada with the intention to go back for good but things didn't' work out that way. Looking back, life had better plans for me.
. I struggled to get a job. Even with experience. It was a hard time, personally and professionally i was at an all time low. BUT, that setback didn't stop me.
Oh no,
I carved my own niche starting my then blog called RISKercize. Perseverance and determination lead me to my next big move to London. Opportunities then followed.
Since then and up until now, I have been leaving my own bits of legacy where ever i have been. Growing , evolving , helping the organisations and my self become resilient in this ever changing world full of disruptions .
Join me on this upgraded journey.