The speed and scope of the current Covid-19 crisis poses extra ordinary challenges for leaders in today's organisations. So much is out of our control right now. What does crisis leadership look like?
Now is the time to develop advanced thinking on how to deal with a crisis and what leadership really means. What are the characteristics and what should you as a leader be doing right now to come out of this better?
Join me in my next podcast with a real influencer in the resilience industry, sought after for her thoughts on international media, founder and CEO of The Business Resilience Company Dr Sandra Bell.
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Show notes
At 2.55 - Why crisis leadership is so essential. Sandra says there has to be a clear differential between crisis and emergency.
5.16- Resilience Professionals face challenges training their crisis management team leaders. Can this be taught and have leaders ever faced such a long crisis before?
Crisis Management is a team sport. -Dr Sandra Bell
6.55- Sandy tells us the characteristics and personality traits of a crisis leaders.
It is very humanistic. Listen to find out what they are.
8.30- Traits can be coached and we dig a bit deeper.
9.34. How can leaders express the characteristics given by Sandy?
It's about being an authentic leader. These tips are YOUR golden nuggets. Listen for more
11.23 - Active Listening will show your followers how valuable they are. This is good in a crisis situation . Having the discipline to stop and focus on an individuals is so powerful. Not only to the individual but for the leader. why? Listen for more
13.30: Emotional Intelligence is Key and Leadership is a privileged position to be in. Another handful of gold star information for Sandy.
17:00 What is it to be a strategic thinker?
There are 2 roles , especially in this crisis.
1. Survive the Here and Now (the reactive and tactical).
2 Thrive - where the strategic thinking comes in (raising above the survive tactics) -listen for more.
20:00 What does that post pandemic world look like and what can i do as a leader?
Separate from survive and thrive. It's not just seeing it but acting on it too.
22:00 I ask you to reflect on your own organisations Crisis leaders. Sandy goes into this deeper and says it's much more about co-ordination and cascading down via management. Not just those at the top.
23.44: We talk about setting up a group of separate strategic thinkers along side the Crisis Management Team. Their role is to think long term on where the business is going to be positioned once we have gone through all of this. Don't spend all your energy on survival, you don't want the tank to be empty for the thrive side. Its essential for this Covid-19 Situation.
26.00 The art of delegation is a must as you haven't got the bandwidth to do it all. Play people to their strengths.
27.34 A rapid reflection force- what is this? Find out by listening
28.31 - What if you are in an organisation and a leader who hasn't rehearsed your crisis plans? Sandy gives her two key tips. - 1.Surround yourself with people you trust. - What was number 2? Listen to find out and she shares further tips from
30.35- Coaching for Crisis Leadership during/after the incident - Have you thought of this as a leader? I am a huge fan of coaching and it's benefits. Listen as we discuss this in more depth.
33:00 Decision making under stress is not easy , and sometimes you make the wrong decision. You need your team around you.
34.16 - Sandy shares with us the pleasures and misfortune to sit in hot seats in dealing with many of a crisis. She says she has made all the mistakes in the book but got through it in the end. It's about being human and playing to your strengths. Thinking big and thinking bold.
35.00 As we wrap up, we leave you with some final thoughts. It's tough now, think about where you want to be in a years times, not back to where you were. Move your people towards it.
36:23 Sandy opens up her linkedin and invites you all to join. You have an open invite.
37.25- Now is the time to reinvent your generic crisis management plans, look towards more advanced thinking because crisis leadership is for the long haul. Until next time, Keep on Investing in your resilience.
Until next time, stay safe and don't forget to subscribe
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